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Meet Vanessa


My Story

After a year spent abroad studying languages in 1998, I returned to the UK for my final year exams at Leicester University where I broke down – physically, mentally and emotionally. This is the point I began to wake up to a more holistic way of living where good food, the right kind of exercise and a balanced outlook gave me energy for life. I took a course of Oligotherapy trace element complexes to address the adrenal exhaustion and still do when needed today.


A Sports Massage Diploma in 2006 provided the starting point for starting my massage business – Complete Worx Massage in Henley-on-Thames. My external environment (working space) and internal environment (emotional and physical) became more important as I recognised that sports massage alone would not address the muscle tension and pain. A client’s emotional wellbeing was intrinsically tied up with a physical complaint. I started working with hot and cold stones in 2008 from my home and later introduced sound healing – the vibration of the drum and Tibetan bowl to my deep stone massages. They together by-passed most resistance to letting go of unwanted stress.


A pro-lapsed lumbar disc in 2012 taught me to stop! The decision was made for me to teach pilates to empower my students to look after their physical bodies themselves. By 2020 I needed a new focus. Cancer and exercise made perfect sense as I had lost a parent to the disease. It proved to be quite a teacher and opened up another door to health with a focus on the wellbeing of the whole person. Three Pillars of Health was born: move well, eat well, and live well.


Work is no fun without play! I met a friend who enjoyed exploring and walking as much as me in 2003. We trekked along the Great Wall of China, to base camp Everest and closer to home – Welsh mountains. After Covid my partner and I enjoyed the 196 mile coast to coast walk from St Bees across England to Robin’s Bay. I may have parked my long distance hiking boots temporarily and picked up some blades to learn to row on the Thames. Nature is medicine – pure and simple.

Training since 2007


Oligotherapy Institute - Trace Elements – Level 1

Can Rehab – Cancer Rehab Exercise Specialist, Revalidation every 3 years

Australian Physiotherapy & Pilates Institute:

APPI Matwork Bridging Course

APPI Neuro-Pilates

APPI Osteoporosis

APPI Ante/Post Natal Pilates

APPI Pilates for Menopause

APPI Healthy Hips

APPI Pilates Shoulder Rehab


YMCA Diploma in Teaching Pilates Level 3

Colour of Sound Institute - Diploma in Sound Therapy

Well Mother Ante & Post Natal Shiatsu

Lastone Deep Stone Massage

Lastone Stone Medicine

London School of Sports Massage - Diploma in Sports & Remedial Massage

“I would like to live in a world where kindness is at the centre of every human interaction and every word spoken.”

Vanessa Mansergh

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